Thursday, July 2, 2009


I've been busy, so I haven't had much time to work on much. I did this as a speed modeling practice. I still want to do more with him, but this is all I have for now.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I threw on some eyelashes. I also made an earring that I like much more then the last.

Back to working on the face.

I started adding more details to the face. The color texture is mostly there for placement.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Torso color map reworked

I have been working on the texture maps. I think I have found the basic color configuration that I want to go for. I really like the red corset and brass/brown colors. The UVs for the gear haven't been laid out yet. I just colored them for placement.
The wires:
Rough renders:

Beginning pass at color/displacement maps

This is just a test render of the color map with the displacement map. I started sculpting the wrinkles in Mudbox. They need a lot of work and I'm still new to digital sculpting. I like the power of Mudbox, but I haven't fully figured out how to achieve certain aspects in it.

I plan on changing the colors around. This is primarily a test render.
The Low Poly and Smoothed versions of the wire frame.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Female Steampunk character UVs.

I spent a lot of time unwrapping the UVs of this model. I'm pretty excited to start texturing and sculpting the displacement map now that the grunt wok is done.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New face sculpt, skin shader, and cloth shader renders.

I started working on the sculpt of the head. I want to work on it a lot more but this is what I have so far. I really like the nose. I need to shape the jawbone and cheekbones more. I also want to add more geometry to the bead to make it bushier. I also added a basic skin shader to the face. I still need to add a lot more layers to the shader but it's a start.
The full scene without the obnoxious green glow:A basic cloth texture added to the cloak. I really like how it fades into darkness. My ultimate goal with this render is to make him look like he's emerging from the darkness behind him. And a pass with the green lighting, in order to see the effect it has on the cloth and skin. I want to rework the effect entirely. It's acting as a placeholder right now.